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Tag Archives banana loaf

Nutella Swirled {Chocolate Chunk} Peanut Butter Banana Skillet Cake

Nutella Swirled {Chocolate Chunk} Peanut Butter Banana Skillet Cake

This super delicious, super decadent and super moist ONE SKILLET cake loaded with NUTELLA and PEANUT BUTTER and CHOCOLATE CHUNK goodness is super easy and extremely simple to make in just one Skillet and under half an hour. Oh and less washing-up too!! Yes! Told ya! This cake is SUPER.. 

Nutella Swirled {Chocolate Chunk} Peanut Butter Banana Skillet Cake 

“A party without cake is just a meeting”

~ Julia Child


Nutella Swirled {Chocolate Chunk} Peanut Butter Banana Skillet Cake

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